FenceBox rollaway system
- The usual fences and the disadvantages thereof.
- The FenceBox system.
- The operation and technical specifications of the FenceBox.
- The mobile version of the FenceBox.
- The stationary version of the FenceBox.
- The wire mesh.
- Entry doors.
6. The wire mesh
The used standard mesh is a robust web of galvanized steel wire. Because of the reticular architecture it can absorb a lot of force. Climbing in this structure is difficult because it gives away and doesn’t support you.
By using mesh with a 50 millimeter diameter it is very hard to get a shoe in and climb up.
If the mesh is damaged it is easy to replace the damaged parts quickly and cheaply. The metal doesn’t burn and can’t be cut with a knife. Attaching advertisements and cladding cloth is very easy by fastening it to the fence. The fence can still be rolled out and rolled up. .
Using stronger mesh or special box constructions, adapted to your personal wishes, is possible.